Code d’accès
Code d’accès Par Meriem OUDGHIRI
Le 14/02/2025

A la question «le Maroc est-il prêt pour la décarbonation?», les réponses dans l’écosystème de la transition énergétique oscillent entre un «pas encore» et «sur... + Lire la suite...

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Real estate/Tax clearance: No more permissiveness

Par Hassan EL ARIF | Edition N°:6854 Le 27/09/2024 | Partager

The new tax measure, provided for in Article 139-IV of the General Tax Code (CGI), has been criticized as a disincentive to real estate transactions. Questioned by L’Economiste, the Kingdom’s General Treasury (TGR) is confident in its indicators. In fact, for returns transmitted via the Tawtik electronic platform, linking notaries to the administration, filed during the period between July 1 and September 18, the TGR posted a processing rate of 94.6% for 41,828 returns, resulting in the creation of 88,711 items, which are the tax reference that property developers are required to obtain for new homes in stock.

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